Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Vicious Cycle and The Importance of Imagination

First of all, I think it's really freaky that you have "followers" on this site. I feel like I started a cult. I love to write however, and even though I never considered a keyboard and a screen as authentic as a paper and a pen, it'll have to do, because it's much faster and I shant have the time in the future.

I've got a lot of work to do and it really stresses me out. Well, stress is one thing, it's a totally different issue when you have to deal with severe depression as well. Then, you start thinking about all the things you have to do and you want to do them right at that moment, but it's impossible and it happens all the time and you get overwhelmed and you feel like a failure because you are doing nothing right at that second. Then, you just want to lie there and continue to do nothing, wishing you didn't have to go through it all. I love run-on sentences.

A normal person, of course, would do something like make a list and a schedule of when they were going to do these tasks then, do them accordingly. So, that's what I'm going to do. Thank goodness for my imagination. It was well developed as a child in a California desert and has served me well in the matter of empathy and cases as the one seen above. Imagining what a "normal" person would do has saved me many times.

My depression is not going to get the best of me today. Hooray. Alright. Time to do things....

I'll never get tired of watching this. The mom's like, "WHAT WAS THAT?? Oh, it's you."

1 comment:

  1. Gotta love the sneezing Panda...good post. Sad yet true and oh so good. Hang in there sis.
    My best, Lynn
