Today the group is the above mentioned, whom I discovered through an old friend, Link, who I used to go to Juliana Hatfield concerts with in NYC. He came over to visit Dave and I long ago and put a bunch of cds onto my computer, many worth listening to, including a few of Sonic Youth's.

So, lately I had to make the usually 45 minute drive up to Ferndale, NY to my Pain Management doctors(I made it in 30 that time) and I needed some new music. When I worked, I used to buy cds as often as some people bought milk - weekly (or more). It has been a great sacrafice to forego the purchase of a new artist or album so often since I myself have no earned paycheck coming in. Also, my husband would not object to anything that makes me happy, so I make the choice myself. I feel bad enough that I can't help him out financially, I don't want to add that much of a burden on him.
So, I scan my iTunes and BAM! my eye lands on Sonic Youth. Now, they are not total strangers to my ears, no, since Link put them in my hands they have popped up on shuffle every once in a while, but it didn't give me a chance to figure out which songs I really liked of theirs. So I decided the time had come to give them a real chance. I put random songs on an audio cd (don't know why, I should've done mp3 and put them all on!) and have been listening to it ever since, weeding out the good and bad songs.
I've known about them for years, ever since my Bikini Kill and Le Tigre (artists I will recommend NOT to listen to) days where they mention them in the lyrics, but I had no idea what they were like.
Like most of my favorites, many would be annoyed by them. Some would tolerate them. Few would love them. I don't know alot about the band. I know there's at least one male and female singer. The female singer's voice is breathy and if you want to get technical...talentless. But I love it.
The music is far from mainstream, though some of it is a stretch even for me! Their good stuff is very good, their way too experimental stuff... basically isn't even music.
But I will give you a list of songs to check out to start you out, so you aren't scared off right away by weirdness. I am careful about what I suggest, so only a few songs at a time. I will include links to lyrics and youtube. Read them as you listen to the song on youtube or whatever.
- Incinerate and lyrics -
- Disconnection Notice and lyrics
- Turquoise Boy
and lyrics -
- Paper Cup Exit Unfortunately, there are no videos for this song, my favorite of them all! Strange, but...genius. Let me listen to it again to make sure I'm not mistaken...NO... It starts out sounding completely normal. Then. it sounds like it's the theme to a horror movie, Frankenstein or something and it builds and builds and you're like "what in the world is happening???" Then. the chorus and you can kinda rock to it and it's all good. You start listening to the lyrics and apprectiating it for the poetry, the art. It's where the title from my last post came from. "I don't mind if you sing a different song just as long, just as long as you sing, sing along" is the real quote. Anyway, I like it, even if it freaks you out.
I doubt the others will though. Enjoy.
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